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Hi, my name is Antora. It’s nice to meet you 👋🏽


When I was ten-years-old I watched a movie that would change the way I saw the world. It was set in New York City and told the story of a scrappy woman trying to save her independent bookstore from a wealthy executive who was opening a discount book retailer right around the corner. Oh, and they happened to also be corresponding anonymously over e-mail and unknowingly falling in love with each other in the process. 

Despite a somewhat unlikely premise, You’ve Got Mail is a story that is told with wonderfully witty dialogue and incredibly real and endearing characters. I say this movie changed the way I saw the world because it made me fall in love with stories. Since then, I have followed that thread of loving stories which is what led me to where I am today, a marketer specializing in consumer insights. 

Marketing is all about telling a good story. About how you can use the right tools to deliver a message that sticks. In the world of ‘90s romantic-comedies, the tools are a great director (Nora Ephron), talented writers (Nora and Delia Ephron), and skilled actors (Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks) that work together to deliver a message about falling in love, despite one’s pride or prejudices. In marketing, some of the most important tools in your belt are research, data analysis, strategy, and creative thinking, which all work together to tell a story to (or about) a particular audience.

With courses like Analytics, Design Thinking, Data Visualization, and Digital Marketing, I have been able to apply my life-long love to a field that uses rich consumer data to drive meaningful insights that are relevant across all types of industries. My passion along with these key foundational skills have shaped who I am today, a data curious marketer with a passion for storytelling.